Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Creative Journey Begins

Dull, humdrum, same-old, same-old no more!  In conversations with a variety of people, I hear a yearning for adventure and stimulation among many of us.  This blog will focus on adding spice to every day and on the occasional grander adventure.  I love to travel and have had some wonderful low- and mid-budget journeys.  I will share photos, tips (and our inevitable travel “slips”) on occasion.  Nothing opens my mind and heart in quite the same way as travel.

But we aren’t all in a position to jump into planes, trains, or automobiles anytime soon.  We will explore a number of simpler topics for daily life as well as living-large adventures.  I have lived long enough (translation, on my way to being the wise woman of the tribe, or what some call crone hood) to be full of ideas, experiences, tips, and don’t-do-what-I-dids.

This won’t be a one-way “advice from the guru” type-site, though.  I sincerely hope that it will be a lively conversation with all of you about living life to the full.  Yes, that expression is over-worked, but is still a meaningful goal for me.  I will post at least twice a week, sometimes more often and would love to have you check in at least once a week to listen in or to join our conversation.  We will explore a number of specific topics, but all will come under one of these headings: Exploring, Learning, Savoring, or Growing.

A few upcoming topics:

   Be a tourist at home

   Cook or bake something amazing

   Clean a drawer or closet and delight in the memories tucked away there

   Learn something new

   Look—Really Look—at the sky, at clouds, stars, the Space Station going by

( The photo above shows a summer day on my street.  I simply looked up while walking the dog.)


Question of the day:  What particular conversation would you like to hear or to join?


  1. I'd like to learn some household hints, and read about the Jaqcksonville area.

  2. that photo is stupendous The clouds are so majestic! great Blog!

  3. Thank you for your encouraging comments, Linda and Terri.

    Terri, that afternoon was a perfect illustration of how an everyday activity like walking our little dog can turn into a creative moment. Thank you; I like the photo, too, and have thought about basing a painting on it. However, it may be too over-the-top--sometimes amazing photos (for some reason) turn into phony-looking paintings.

    Good ideas, Linda--thank you. We have lived in Jacksonville for about 6 years now, but it still is a constant source of surprise and amazement for me when I go exploring--the varied water habitats, rich natural beauty, and quirky history are delightful.

  4. I appreciate your visit and kind words , MaryAnn.
